Engine control unit – 2. Oil sump – 3. Power steering pump on compressor – 4. Starting motor – 5. Air compressor -6. Fuel filter on engine – 7. Engine stop and start controls – 8. Air return line from intercooler – 9. Alternator -10. Water outlet to radiator
This Manual has been divided into Sections, each of which has a number and its relevant contents are indicated in the Index of Sections.Each section features a main Unit (e.g.: engine, gears, etc.) Where possible, the same sequence of procedures has been followed for easy reference.Diagram and symbols have been widely used to give a clearer and more immediate illustration of the subject beingdealt with (seenext page) instead of giving descriptions of some operations or procedures
This technical handbook contains a series of repair procedures relating to the articulated dump trucks.
This handbook is an integral part of the vehicle. It is provided with the vehicle and must be kept with the vehicle for future reference until scrapping.
Read this handbook carefully before using the vehicle. Safe running and long life of your vehicle will depend on the observance of the rules suggested in this issue.
The vehicle is the machinery described in this manual. The manufacturer is the company manufacturing the vehicle. The dealership is the company or organization officially representing the Manufacturer.
Supplier is any company supplying components and/ or consumable material used by the vehicle. The user is the person directly or indirectly involved in repairing the vehicle.
The information, descriptions, and illustrations in this handbook reflect the state of the art at the time of marketing the vehicle.
The manufacturer reserves the right to implement changes to vehicles, for technical or marketing reasons, at any time. The manufacturer will not be obliged either to implement such changes in the vehicles marketed before or to consider this handbook obsolete.
Any additional information which the manufacturer may deem suitable to provide at a later time will be kept with the handbook as an integral part of the publication.